D. F. Parsons
Departments of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of Toronto Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Johnson Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Search for more papers by this authorG. R. Williams
Departments of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of Toronto Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Johnson Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Search for more papers by this authorBritton Chance
Departments of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of Toronto Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Johnson Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Search for more papers by this authorD. F. Parsons
Departments of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of Toronto Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Johnson Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Search for more papers by this authorG. R. Williams
Departments of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of Toronto Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Johnson Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Search for more papers by this authorBritton Chance
Departments of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of Toronto Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Johnson Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Search for more papers by this authorThe work of one author (DFP) was supported by M.R.C. of Canada Grant MA-1611, N.R.C. of Canada Grant A-1723 and a grant from the National Cancer Institute of Canada. Part of this work (GRW) was supported by N.R.C. of Canada Grant A-1344.
A preliminary report of this work was reported at the 23rd meeting of the Electron Microscope Society of America, New York, August 25th-28th, 1965, Abstract B 58: Separation and purification of the outer membrane and inner membrane (including cristae) of rat liver mitochondria, Parsons D. F. and J. G. Verboon, 1965, J. Appl. Physics. 36: 2615.
- 1 Parsons, D. F. 1963. Negative staining of thinly spread cells and associated virus. J. Cell Biol. 16: 620.
- 2 Parsons, D. F. 1963. Mitochondrial structure: Two types of subunits on negatively stained mitochondrial membranes. Science 140: 985.
- 3 Parsons, D. F. 1965. Recent advances correlating structure and function in mitochondria. Int. Rev. Exp. Pathol. 4: 1.
- 4 Parsons, D. F., J. W. Bonner, Jr. & J. G. Verboon. 1965. Electron microscopy of isolated plant mitochondria and plastids using both the thin section and negative staining techniques. Canad. J. Botany. 43: 647.
- 5 Palade, G. E. 1952. The fine structure of mitochondria. Anat. Rec. 114: 427.
- 6 Freeman, J. A. 1956. The ultrastructure of the double membrane systems of mitochondria. J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol.. 2 (suppl.): 353.
- 7 Sjöstrand, F. S. 1963. A new ultrastructural element of the membranes in mitochondria and of some cytoplasmic membranes. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 9: 340.
- 8 Sjöstrand, F. S. 1963. A comparison of plasma membrane, cytomembranes and mitochondrial membrane elements with respect to structural features. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 9: 561.
- 9 Yamamota, T. 1963. On the thickness of the unit membrane. J. Cell Biol., 17: 413.
- 10 Smith, D. S. 1963. The structure of flight muscle sarcosomes in the Blowfly Calliphora Erythrocephala (Diptera). J. Cell Biol. 19: 115.
- 11 Fernández-Morán, H. 1962. Cell-membrane ultrastructure, low-temperature electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction studies of lipoprotein components in lamellar systems. Circulation 26: 1039.
- 12 Stoeckenius, W. 1963. Some observations on negatively stained mitochondria. J. Cell Biol. 17: 443.
- 13 Oda, T. & Y. Nishi. 1963. Fundamental structure and function of mitochondrial membrane. J. Electromicroscopy (Japan). 12: 290.
- 14 Fernandez-Morán, H., T. Oda, P. V. Blair & D. E. Green. 1964. A macromolecular repeating unit of mitochondrial structure and function. J. Cell. Biol.. 22: 63.
- 15 Greville, G. D., E. A. Munn & D. S. Smith. 1964. Observations on the fragmentation of isolated flight-muscle mitochondria from Calliphora erythrocephala (Diptera.) Proc. Soc. (London) Series B 161: 403.
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- 17 Hagihara, B. 1961. Techniques for the application of polarography to mitochondrial respiration. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 46: 134.
- 18 Rossi, C. R., L. Sartorelli, L. Tato, L. Baretta & N. Siliprandi. 1965. Phospholipase A activity of rat-liver mitochondria. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 98: 207.
- 19 Scherphof, G. L. & L. L. M. Van Deenen. Phospholipase A activity of rat-liver mitochondria. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 98: 204.
- 20 Palade, G. E. 1952. A study of fixation for electron microscopy. J. Exp. Med. 95: 285.
- 21 Luft, J. H. 1961. Improvements in epoxy resin embedding methods. J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. 9: 409.
- 22 Reynolds, E. S. 1963. The use of lead citrate at high pH as an electron-opaque stain in electron microscopy. J. Cell Biol. 17: 208.
- 23 Estabrook, R. W. 1961. In Haematin Enzymes. Symposium, Canberra, 1959. J. E. Falk, R. Lemberg & R. K. Morton, Eds.: 436. Pergamon Press. New York , N. Y .
- 24 Chance, B. 1961. In Haematin Enzymes. Symposium, Canberra, 1959. J. E. Falk, R. Lemberg & R. K. Morton, Eds.: 597. Pergamon Press. New York , N. Y .
- 25 Bonner, Jr., W. D. 1961. In Haematin Enzymes. Symposium, Canberra, 1959. J. E. Falk, R. Lemberg & R. K. Morton, Eds.: 479. Pergamon Press. New York , N. Y .
- 26 Smith, L. 1954. A study of some oxidative enzymes of Baker's yeast. Arch. Biochim. Biophys. 50: 285.
- 27 Lowry, O. H., N. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr & R. J. Randall. 1951. Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. J. Biol. Chem.. 193: 265.
- 28 Pauly H., L. Packer & H. P. Schwan. Electrical properties of mitochondrial membranes. J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol., 7: 589.
- 29 Raaflaub, J. 1953. Die Schwellung isolierter Leberzellmitochondrien und ihre physikalisch-chemische Beeinslussbarkeit. Helv. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta 11: 142.
- 30 Raaflaub, J. 1953. Über den Wirkungsmechanismus von Adenosintriphosphat (ATP) als Cofaktor isolierter Mitochondrien. Helv. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta 11: 157.
- 31 Hunter, Jr., F. E. & L. Ford. 1955. Inactivation of oxidative and phosphorylative systems in mitochondria by preincubation with phosphate and other ions. J. Biol. Chem.. 216: 357.
- 32 Wojtczak, L., P. Wlodawer & J. Zborowski. 1963. Adenosine triphosphate induced contraction of rat-liver mitochondria and synthesis of mitochondrial phospholipids. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 70: 290.
- 33 Tapley, D. F., C. Cooper & A. L. Lehninger. 1955. The action of thyroxine on mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 18: 597.
- 34 Klemperer, H. G. 1955. The uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in rat-liver mitochondria by thyroxine, triiodothyronine and related substances. Biochem. J. 60: 122.
- 35 Bessis, M. 1956. Cytology of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs. Translated by E. Ponder, Grune and Stratton. New York , N. Y .
- 36 Bartley, W. & M. Enser. 1964. The swelling and contraction of isolated rat-liver mitochondria. Biochem. J.. 93: 322.
- 31 Hackett, D. P. 1959. Respiratory mechanisms in higher plants. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 10: 113.
- 38 Allmann, D. W. & E. Backmann. 1965. The outer membrane of the mitochondrion. Fed. Proc.. 24(2, Part 1): 425.
- 39 Green, D. E. 1965. The ultrastructure of the mitochondrion in relation to function. Conf. Biological Membranes: Recent Progress. Ann. N. Y.Acad. Sci. This Annal.
- 40 Lehninger, A. L. 1964. The Mitochondrion.: 184. W. A. Benjamin, Inc. New York , N. Y. and Amsterdam , Netherlands .
- 41 Weinbach, E. C., H. Sheffield & J. Garbus. 1963. Restoration of oxidative phosphorylation and morphological integrity to swollen, uncoupled rat-liver mitochondria. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (U.S.). 50: 561.
- 42 Malamed, S. 1965. Structural changes during swelling of isolated rat-liver mitochondria. Z. Zellforsch. 65: 10.
- 43 Neifakh, S. A. & T. B. Kazakova. 1963. Actinomyosin-like protein in mitochondria of mouse liver. Nature (Lond.). 197: 1106.
- 44 Ohnishi, T. & T. Ohnishi. 1962. Extraction of actinomyosin-like protein from liver mitochondria. J. Biochem. (Japan). 52: 230.
- 45 Mitchell, P. 1961. Coupling of phosphorylation to electron and hydrogen transfer by chemi-osmotic type of mechanism. Nature (Lond.) 191: 144.
- 46 Chappell, J. R. & A. R. Crofts. 1965. Gramicidin and ion transport in isolated liver mitochondria. Biochem. J.. 95: 393.
- 47 Rasmussen, H., B. Chance & E. Ogata. 1965. A mechanism for the reactions of calcium with mitochondria. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (U.S.). 53: 1069.
- 48 Burgos, M. H. & A. Aoki. 1964. Study of ATP-contracted mitochondria. J. Microscopie. 3: 269.
- 49 Wlodawer, P., D. F. Parsons, G. R. Williams & L. Wojtczak. 1965. Morphological changes in isolated rat-liver mitochondria during swelling and contraction. In preparation.
- 50 Amoore, J. E. & W. Bartley. 1958. The permeability of isolated rat-liver mitochondria to sucrose, sodium chloride and potassium chloride at 0° C. Biochem. J.. 69: 223.
- 51 Brierley, G. P. 1964. Membrane permeability and ion translocation in mitochondria. J. Cell. Biol. 23: 13A.
- 52 Tedeschi, H. 1965. Some observations on the permeability of mitochondria in sucrose. J. Cell. Biol. 25: 229.
- 53 Racker, E., B. Chance & D. F. Parsons. 1964. Correlating of structure and function of submitochondrial units in oxidative phosphorylation. Fed. Proc.. 23(2): 431.
- 54 Racker, E., D. D. Tyler, R. W. Estabrook, T. E. Conover, D. F. Parsons & B. Chance. 1964. International Symposium Oxidases and Related Oxidation Reduction Systems. In Press.
- 55 Chance, B. & D. F. Parsons. 1963. Cytochrome function in relation to inner membrane structure of mitochondria. Science. 142: 1176.
- 56 Chance, B., D. F. Parsons & G. R. Williams. 1964. Cytochrome content of mitochondria stripped of inner membrane structure. Science. 143: 136.
- 57 Stasny, J. T. & F. L. Crane. 1964. The effect of sonic oscillation on the structure and function of beef heart mitochondria. J. Cell Biol.. 22: 49.