Neuronal Nicotinic Receptor Subtypes
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorRENÉ ANAND
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorXIAO PENG
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorVOLODYMYR GERZANICH
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorFAN WANG
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorYUEBTNG LI
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorJON LINDSTROM
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorRENÉ ANAND
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorXIAO PENG
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorVOLODYMYR GERZANICH
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorFAN WANG
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
Search for more papers by this authorYUEBTNG LI
Department of Neuroscience Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104–6074
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- 84 Zhang , Z., S. Vijayaroghaven & D. Berg. 1994. Neuronal acetylcholine receotors that bind α-bungarotoxin with high affinity function as ligand-gated ion channels. Neuron 12: 167–177.
- 85 Pugh , P. & D. Berg, 1994. Neuronal acetylcholine receptors that bind α-bungarotoxin mediate neurite retraction in a calcium-dependent manner. J. Neurosci. 14: 889–896.
- 86 Alkondon , M. & E. Albuquerque. 1991. Initial characterization of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat hippocampal neurons. J. Recept. Res. 11: 1101–1201.
- 87 Alkondon , M. & E. Albuquerque. 1993. Diversity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat hippocampal neurons. I. Pharmacological and functional evidence for distinct structural subtypes. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 265: 1455–1473.
- 88 Castro , N. & E. Albuquerque. 1993. Brief-lifetime, fast-inactivating ion channels account for the α-bungarotoxin-sensitive nicotinic response in hippocampal neurons. Neurosci. Lett. 164: 137–140.
- 89 Dei Toro, J. Juiz, X. Peng, J. Lindstrom & M. Criado. 1994. Immunocytochemical localization of the α7 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in the rat central nervous system. J. Comp. Neurol. 349: 325–342.
- 90 Hamassaki-Britto, D., A. Brzozowska-Prechtl, H. Karen, J. Lindsikom & K. Keyser. 1991. GABA-like immunoreactive cells containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the chick retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 313: 394–408.
- 91 Hamassaki-Britto, D., A. Brzozowska-Prechthl, H. Karten & J. Lindstrom. 1994. Bipolar cells of the chick retina containing α-bungarotoxin-sensitivc nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Visual Neurosci. 11: 63–70.
- 92 Hamassaki-Britto, D., P. Gardino, J. Hokoc, K. Keyser, H. Karten, J. Lindstrom & L. Britto. 1994. Differential development of α-bungarotoxin-sensitive and α-bungarotoxin-insensitive nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the chick retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 347: 161–170.
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- 94 Fuchs , P. & B. Murrow. 1992. A novel cholinergic receptor mediates inhibition of chick cochlear hair cells. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 248: 35–40.
- 95 Anand , R., V. Gerzanich, J. Cooper, X. Pfng, P. Fuchs & J. Lindstrom. Unpublished results.
- 96 Elgoyhen , A., D. Johnson, J. Boulter, D. Vetter & S. Heinemann. 1994. α9: An acetylcholine receptor with novel pharmacological properties expressed in rat cochlear hair cells. Cell 79: 705–715.