Facts and Fables about Sauna
Corresponding Author
Canadian Sauna Society 35 Holland Avenue, # 606 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 4S2
Tel: +1-613-761 1576; Fax: +1-613-761 1576; E-mail: [email protected].Search for more papers by this authorK. KAUPPINEN,
Corresponding Author
Canadian Sauna Society 35 Holland Avenue, # 606 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 4S2
Tel: +1-613-761 1576; Fax: +1-613-761 1576; E-mail: [email protected].Search for more papers by this author
- 1 1997. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. G. & C. Merriam Co. Springfield , MA .
- 2 Kauppinen, K. 1994. Saunantuntemus Kanadassa. [Perceptions about sauna in Canada.] Sauna ISSN 0357-656648 (3): 34–37.
- 3 Kauppinen, K. 1989. Sauna, shower, and ice water immersion. Physiological responses. to brief exposures to heat, cool, and cold. Part III. Body temperatures. Arct. Med. Res. 48: 75–86.
- 4 Kauppinen, K. & I. Vuori 1986. Man in the sauna. Review article. Ann. Clin. Res. 18: 173–185.
- 5 Fritsche, W. 1991. Das Saunabad. Naturheilverfahren in der ärztlichen Praxis. 61–88. Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag. Köln , Germany .
- 6 Kauppinen, K. 1989. Sauna and Winter Swimmers. Winter Swimmers, Their Health Status, and Physiological Responses to Experimental Exposures to Heat, Cold, and Alternating Heat and Cold. Dissertation. University of Helsinki. Helsinki , Finland . ISBN 952-90039-8-6.
- 7 Kauppinen, K. 1989. Sauna, shower, and ice water immersion Physiological responses to brief exposures to heat, cool, and cold. Part I. Body fluid balance.. Arct. Med. Res. 48: 55–63.
- 8 Kukkonen-Harjula, K. & K. Kauppinen 1988. How the sauna affects the endocrine system. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 262–266.
- 9 Leppäluoto, J., O. Arjamaa, O. Vuolteenaho & H. Ruskoaho 1991. Passive heat exposure leads to delayed increase in plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 71(2): 716–720.
- 10 Kukkonen-Harjula, K., P. Oja, K. Laustiola, I. Vuori, J. Jolkkonen, S. Siitonen & H. Vapaatalo 1989. Haemodynamic and hormonal responses to heat exposure in a Finnish sauna bath. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 58: 543–550.
- 11 Ježová, D., R. Kvetňanský & M. Vigaš 1994. Sex differences in endocrine response to hyperthermia in sauna. Acta Physiol. Scand. 150(3): 293–298.
- 12 Kauppinen, K., M. Pajari-Backas, P. Volin & O. Vakkuri 1989. Some endocrine responses to sauna, shower and ice water immersion. Arct. Med. Res. 48: 121–129.
- 13 Vähä-Eskeli, K., J. Pirhonen, R. Erkkola, A. Seppänen & J. Vuorinen 1992. Voiko toksemiapotilas saunoa [May a toxemia patient bathe in sauna?] Duodecim (Finland) 109: 49–53.
- 14 Sanner, B., I. Kreuzer & A. Sturm 1993. Sauna bei arterieller Hypertonie. Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr. 118(46): 1698–1703.
- 15 Smolander, J. & V. Louhevaara 1992. Effect of heat stress on muscle blood flow during dynamic handgrip exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 65(3): 215–220.
- 16 Ahonen, E & U. Nousiainen 1988. The sauna and body fluid balance. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 257–261.
- 17 Kauppinen, K. 1989. Sauna, shower, and ice water immersion Physiological responses to brief exposures to heat, cool, and cold. Part II. Circulation. Arct. Med. Res. 48: 64–74.
- 18 Luurila, O. J. 1992. The sauna and the heart. J. Int. Med. 231(4): 319–320.
- 19 Vuori, I. 1988. Sauna bather's circulation. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 249–256.
- 20 Roine, R., O. J. Luurila, S. A. Suokas, E. Heikkonen, P. Koskinen, R. Ylikahri, L. Toivonen, M. Härkönen & M. Salaspuro 1992. Alcohol and sauna bathing: effects on cardiac rhythm, blood pressure, and serum electrolyte and cortisol concentrations. J. Int. Med. 231(4): 333–338.
- 21 Laitinen, L. A., A. Lindqvist & M. Heino 1988. Lungs and ventilation in the sauna. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 244–248.
- 22 Luurila, O. J. 1980. Arrhythmias and other cardiovascular responses during Finnish sauna and exercise testing in healthy men and postmyocardial infarction patients. Acta Med. Scand. Suppl. 641.
- 23 Eisalo, A. & O. J. Luurila 1988. The Finnish sauna and cardiovascular diseases. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 267–270.
- 24 Winterfeld, H. J., H. Siewert, D. Strangfeld, H. Warnke, J. Kruse & U. Engelmann 1992. Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes der Sauna in der Langzeitbe-handlung von hypertonen Herz-Kreislauf-Regulationsstörungen—ein Vergleich zur Kinesiotherapie. Schweiz Rundsch. Med. Prax. 81(35): 1016–1020.
- 25 Hengstum, M. van, J. Festen & F. Corstens 1991. Measurement of tracheobronchial clearance after sauna in subjects with chronic bronchitis. Thorax. 46: 732–733.
- 26 Cox, N. J. M., G. M. Oostendorp, H. T. M. Folgering & C. van Herwaarden. 1989. Sauna to transiently improve pulmonary function in patients with obstructive lung disease. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 70: 911–912.
- 27 Preisler, B., A. Falkenbach, B. Kluber & D. Hofman 1990. The effect of the Finnish dry sauna on bronchial asthma in childhood. Pneumologie. 44(10): 1185–1187.
- 28 Conradi, E. 1991. Sauna and children—effects and advice. 10. Int. Sauna Congress, Kyoto , Japan . Program & Abstracts.
- 29 Einenkel, D. 1977. Verbesserung des Gesundheitszustandes von Kindergartenkindern im Kreis Annaberg durch den regelmässigen Besuch einer Betriebssauna. Z. ärztl. Fortbild. 71: 1069–1071.
- 30 Milunsky, A., M. Ulcickas, K. J. Rothman, W. Willett, S. S. Jick & H. Jick 1992. Maternal heat exposure and neural tube defects. JAMA. 268(7): 882–885.
- 31 Saxén, L., P. C. Holmberg, M. Nurminen & E. Kuosma 1982. Sauna and congenital defects. Teratology. 25: 309–312.
- 32 Tikkanen, J. 1987. Sauna ja synnynnäiset sydänviat. [Sauna and congenital heart defects.] Sosiaalilääketiet Aikakausl (Finland). 24: 28–32.
- 33 Tikkanen, J. 1990. Äidin raskaudenaikaisen hypertermian yhteys lapsen sydänepämuo dostuman vaaraan. [Connection between mother's hyperthermia during pregnancy and the child's risk of heart defect.] Sosiaalilääketiet Aikakausl (Finland). 27: 125–142.
- 34 Uhari, M., A. Mustonen & K. Kouvalainen 1979. Sauna habits of Finnish women during pregnancy. Br. Med. J. 5 May: 1216.
- 35 Vähä-Eskeli, K. 1991. Thermal Stress in Pregnancy. Dissertation University of Turku. Turku , Finland .
- 36 Vähä-Eskeli, K. & R. Erkkola 1988. The sauna and pregnancy. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 279–282.
- 37 Lipson, A. H. & M. J. Edwards 1993. Maternal sauna and hyperthermia during pregnancy and cardiovascular and other malformations in offspring. Eur. J. Epidemiol. 9(6): 676–677.
- 38 Jokinen, E., A. L. Gregory & I. Välimäki 1988. The sauna and children. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 283–286.
- 39 Markkola, L., K. J. Mattila & M. J. Koivikko 1989. Sauna habits and related symptoms in Finnish children. Eur. J. Pediatr. 149: 221–222.
- 40 Jokinen, E., I. Välimäki, K. Antila, A. Seppänen & J. Tuominen 1990. Children in sauna: cardiovascular adjustment. Pediatrics. 86(2): 282–288.
- 41 Jokinen, E., I. Välimäki, J. Marniemi, A. Seppänen, K. Irjala & O. Simell 1991. Children in sauna: hormonal adjustments to intensive short thermal stress. Acta Physiol. Scand. 142: 437–442.
- 42 Jokinen, E. & I. Välimäki 1991. Children in sauna: electrocardiographic abnormalities. Acta Paediatr. Scand. 80: 370–374.
- 43 Zeitlin, R., E. Somppi & J. Järnberg 1993. Paediatric burns in central Finland between the 1960s and the 1980s. Burns 19(5): 418–422.
- 44 Isomäki, H. 1988. The sauna and rheumatoid diseases. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 271–275.
- 45 Matej, M. 1991. The influence of sauna on the locomotor system and on chronic rheumatoid diseases. 10. Int. Sauna Congress, Kyoto , Japan . Program & Abstracts.
- 46 Hannuksela, M. & A. Väänänen 1988. The sauna, skin and skin diseases. Ann. Clin. Res. 20(4): 276–278.
- 47 Ernst, E., E. Pecho, P. Wirz & T. Saradeth 1990. Regular sauna bathing and the incidence of common colds. Ann. Med. 22: 225–227.