Volume 1235, Issue 1 p. 18-29

Age differences in risky choice: a meta-analysis

Rui Mata

Rui Mata

Department for Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

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Anika K. Josef

Anika K. Josef

Department for Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

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Gregory R. Samanez-Larkin

Gregory R. Samanez-Larkin

Psychological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

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Ralph Hertwig

Ralph Hertwig

Department for Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

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First published: 24 October 2011
Citations: 290
Rui Mata, Department for Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Basel, Missionsstrasse 60–64, 4055 Basel, Switzerland. [email protected]


Does risk taking change as a function of age? We conducted a systematic literature search and found 29 comparisons between younger and older adults on behavioral tasks thought to measure risk taking (N= 4,093). The reports relied on various tasks differing in several respects, such as the amount of learning required or the choice framing (gains vs. losses). The results suggest that age-related differences vary considerably as a function of task characteristics, in particular the learning requirements of the task. In decisions from experience, age-related differences in risk taking were a function of decreased learning performance: older adults were more risk seeking compared to younger adults when learning led to risk-avoidant behavior, but were more risk averse when learning led to risk-seeking behavior. In decisions from description, younger adults and older adults showed similar risk-taking behavior for the majority of the tasks, and there were no clear age-related differences as a function of gain/loss framing. We discuss limitations and strengths of past research and provide suggestions for future work on age-related differences in risk taking.