What's Wrong with the Environment?
Department of Botany Connecticut College New London, Connecticut 06320
Search for more papers by this authorRICHARD J. BENOIT,
Department of Botany Connecticut College New London, Connecticut 06320
Search for more papers by this authorFirst published: July 1987

- 1 See The Global Report to the President —Entering the 21st Century. 1980. Council on Environmental Quality and Department of State. G. U. Barney, Study Director. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. See Commentary Science 208: 543; and see also Global Future: Time to Act Council on Environmental Quality. U. S. Government Printing Office, and commentary by E. Marshall. 1981. Science 211: 462–3.
- 2
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D. E. Meadows,
J. Randers &
W. W. Behrens, III.
1972. The Limits to Growth. A Report for the Club of Rome Project on the Predicament of Mankind, 2nd ed.
Universe Books.
New York
. D. L. Meadows &
D. H. Meadows, Eds.
1973. Toward Global Equilibrium: Collected Papers. Wright-Allen Press.
See also
Common Crisis: North-South Cooperation for World Recovery. 1981. The Brandt Commission. Pan Books.
10.1349/ddlp.1 Google Scholar
- 3 Hutchinson, W. W. 1984. Looking ahead for IUGS. Episodes 7(3): 2. Anon. 1983. New international program to study global change. Episodes 6(4): 29–30. Anon. 1984. Global change. Episodes 7(4): 30. W. H. Matthews, F. E. Smith & E. D. Goldberg, Eds. 1971. Man's Impact on Terrestrial and Oceanic Ecosystems. MIT Press. Cambridge , MA. T. N. Veziroglu, Ed. 1984. The Biosphere: Problems and Solutions. Elsevier. Amsterdam .
- 4 Walker, C. W., L. C. Gould & E. J. Woodhouse. 1982. Too Hot to Handle. Social and Policy Issues in the Management of Nuclear Wastes. Yale University Press. New Haven , CT .
- 5 Dominquez, G. S. 1977. 1983. Guidebook: Toxic Substances Control Act, Vols. I and II. CRC Press. Boca Raton , FL. See also undated letter prospectus on a conference: Chemical Industry Regulation Briefing, October 15–16, 1984, Washington, D.C. H. W. Mager [Publisher, Chemical Week], T. J. Lombardi [ Vice President, Executive Enterprise, Inc.], and T. M. Hellman [Conference Chairman, Allied Corporation]. See also Pollution Engineering (February, 1985) concerning a proposed new rule (Federal Register, September 20 and 28, and October 10, 1984) on eight substances, including urethane, that the EPA considers to be possible risks to human health.
- 6 National Academy of Sciences. 1983. Changing Climate. Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee. National Academy Press. Washington , D.C. See also Commentary: CO2 and Changing Climate. 1983. Episodes. 4: 28. 6a. For ozone layer and greenhouse effect see: The Changing Atmosphere. Implications for Mankind. A C&EN special issue. Chemical & Engineering News Nov. 24, 1986. DuPont changes stance; says it is time to limit emissions of CFC's. Research & Development December 1986: 37. DuPont position statement on the chlorofluorocarbon/ozone/greenhouse issues. September 1986. 4 pp. Available from “Freon” Products Division E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Wilmington, DE 19898. Atmospheric Ozone 1985: Assessment of our understanding of the processes controlling its presence, distribution, and change. World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project—Report #16 (3 volumes). Sponsored by NASA, FAA, NOAA, UNEP, WMO, Commission of the European Communities, and Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie.
- 7 Cowgill, U. M. 1984. Acid precipitation: A review. In The Biosphere: Problems and Solutions. T. N. Veziroglu, Ed. Elsevier. Amsterdam . Krug, E. C. & C. R. Frink. 1983. Acid rain on acid soil: A new perspective. Science 221: 520–525. R. L. Burgess, Ed. 1984. Effects of Acidic Deposition on Forest Ecosystems in the N.E. U.S.: An Evaluation of Current Evidence. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Syracuse , NY . Glass, N. R., D. E. Arnold, et al. 1982. Effects of Acid Precipitation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 16(3): 162A–169A. B. Hileman 1981. Acid Precipitation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 15: 1119–1124. E. B. Cowling 1982. Acid precipitation in historical perspective. Environ. Sci. Technol. 16: 110A–122A. National Research Council. 1981. Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions: Toward a Better Understanding of the Ecological Consequences of Fossil Fuel Combustion. Committee on the Atmosphere and the Biosphere. National Academy of Sciences. Washington , D.C.
- 8 Hileman, B. 1983. 1982 Stockholm Conference on Acidification of the Environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 17: 15A–18A. L. S. Dochinger & T. A. Selinga, Eds. 1976. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Acid Precipitation and the Forest EcoSystem. USDA Forest Service. Gen. Tech. Report NE-23. Upper Darby, PA. –1985 Second International Conference on Acid Rain, Washington, D.C., March 26–27, 1985. Power. McGraw-Hill. New York , NY .
- 9 Schindler, D. W. et al. 1980. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37: 313–558.
- 10 Wellman, et al. 1984. Fact Sheet on Acid Rain (revised January 1984). Canadian Embassy. Washington , D.C. Snow, 1984. Acid Rain. A Policy for New York State to Reduce Sulfur Dioxide Emissions. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. July 1984. B. Ulrich, R. Mayer & P. K. Khanna. 1980. Chemical changes due to acid precipitation in a loess-derived soil in central Europe. Soil Sci. 130: 193–199. See also remarks of Ulrich at the 1982 Stockholm Conference quoted in Hileman, (Ref. 8): “No forest ecosystem, even forests on calcareous soils, can withstand the present [West German] air pollution without serious damage.”.
- 11 Ward, B. 1984. The intractable politics of acid rain. Pollution Engineering (June, 1984): 20–21. See also the 1985 membership prospectus letter of the Environmental Defense Fund (ACID RAIN Facts the White House Refuses to Face). See also the lett dated March 1985 and attached extract from U.S. Congressional Record of Senator Christopher J. Dodd (Dem., CT). U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510. Congressional Record 131: 27.
- 12 Singer, S. F. 1984. Acid rain report. Science 226: 780.
- 12a National Academy of Sciences. 1986. Acid Deposition: Long Term Trends. National Academy Press. Washington , DC . Sun, M. 1986. Academy study dispels doubt on acid rain. Science 231: 1500. M. Sun 1986. Acid rain plan draws mixed review. Science 231: 333.
- 13 National Research Council Panel on Asbestos. 1971. Asbestos. The Need for and Feasibility of Air Pollution Controls. National Academy of Sciences. Washington , D.C. Brodeur, P. 1980. The Asbestos Hazard. New York Academy of Sciences. New York , NY . This book is a popular account of the papers presented in 1978 at an international conference convened by the New York Academy of Sciences. The complete proceedings of this conference, entitled Health Hazards of Asbestos Exposure, are published as Volume 330 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( I. J. Selikoff & E. C. Hammond, Eds.). Because the Brodeur book has no citations of the literature, its value to serious scholars is limited, therefore it should be read in conjunction with the Annal it popularizes. An earlier international conference entitled Biological Effects of Asbestos was held in 1964 by the Academy and published as Volume 132, Art. 1 of the Annals. The proceedings are also fully integrated into and cited in the 1971 National Research Council report.
- 13a For asbestos damage claims and implications for civil justice reforms see: Hensler, D. R., W. L. F. Felstiner, M. Selvin & P. A. Ebener. 1985. Asbestos in the Courts. The Challenge of Mass Toxic Torts. The Institute for Civil Justice. Rand Corp. Santa Monica , CA . J. S. Kakalik, P. A. Ebener, W. L. F. Felstiner, G. W. Haggstrom & M. G. Shanley. 1984. Variation in Asbestos Litigation Compensation and Expenses. ICJ Rand Corp. Santa Monica , CA . J. S. Kakalik, P. A. Ebener, W. L. S. Felstiner & M. G. Shanley. 1983. ICJ Rand Corp. Santa Monica , CA .
- 14 R. J. Levine, Ed. 1978. Asbestos: An Information Resourc U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Publication (NIH) 78–1681. National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda , MD . Report prepared under contract by Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park , CA .
- 15 Selikoff, I. J., E. C. Hammond & J. Chung. 1968. Asbestos exposure, smoking and neoplasia. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 204: 106–112. Anon. 1985. Tobacco's cost/benefit to the U.S. Economy. Non-smokers' Newsletter 8: 3. American Lung Association of Connecticut, East Hartford, CT. Anon. 1984. Smoking and health. Breathing Views. 14: 1. Lung Association of Connecticut.
- 16 National Research Council: Committee on Biological Effects of Atmosphere Pollutants. 1971. Asbestos. The need for and feasibility of air pollution controls. National Academy of Sciences. Washington , D.C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. 1974. Background Information on National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollution. Proposed Amendments to Standards for Asbestos and Mercury. USEPA Research Triangle Park, NC.
- 17 Summers, A. L. 1919. Asbestos and the Asbestos Industry. The World's Most Wonderful Mineral. I. Pitman & Sons. London .
- 18 National Research Council. 1979. Polychlorobiphenyls. A Report Prepared by the Committee on Assessment of Polychlorobiphenyls in the Environment. National Academy of Sciences. Washington , D.C. Farrington, J. W., E. D. Goldberg, R. R. Riseborough, J. H. Martin & V. T. Bowen. 1983. U.S. “Mussel Watch” 1976–78: An overview of trace-metal, DDE, PCB, hydrocarbon. Environ. Sci. Technol. 17: 490–496. M. Gilbertson & L. Reynolds. 1974. A summary of DDE and PCB determinations in Canadian birds. Can. Wildlife Ser. Occ. Pap. #19. Ottawa, Canada.
- 19 Thomann, R. V. & J. P. St. John. 1979. The fate of PCBs in the Hudson River ecosystem. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 320: 610–629. R. J. Nadeau & R. P. Davies. 1974. Investigation of PCB in the Hudson River. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C.
- 20 Frink, C. R., B. L. Sawney, K. P. Kulp & C. G. Fredette. 1982. Polychlorobiphenyls in Housatonic River Sediments in MA and CT: Determination, Distribution, and Transport. CT Agric. Expt. Stat. Bull. New Haven, CT.
- 20a For PCB incineration project at Middletown, CT, see: The Northeast Utilities Program for Burning PCB-Contaminated Transformer Oil at Middletown, CT Station Unit 3. March 1981. Northeast Utilities Co. Environmental Programs Dept. Berlin , CT . Hall J. M., G. T. Hunt & P. Wolf. 1981. Evaluation of the PCB Thermal Disposal Process in the Unit 3 Boiler at Northeast Utilities Middletown Station. GCA-TR-81–82-G GCA Corp. Bedford, MA. Anon. n.d. Northeast Utilities Experience in Burning PCB-Contaminated Oil (26 pp). Available from Northeast Utilities Environmental Programs Dept. Berlin, CT.
- 20b Whelan, E. M. 1985. Toxic Terror. Jameson Books. Ottawa , IL .
- 21 D. Mackay, S. Peterson, S. J. Eisenreich & M. S. Simmons, Eds. 1983. Physical Behavior of PCB's in the Great Lakes. Ann Arbor Science Press. Ann Arbor , MI .
- 22 Fischoff, B., P. Slovic, S. Lichtenstein, S. Read & B. Combs. 1978. How safe is safe enough? A psychometric study of attitudes toward technological risks and benefits. Policy Sci. 9: 127–152. According to David Okrent, the art of risk-benefit assessment originated with Starr's 1969 paper in Science. Okrent gives a comprehensive list of seminal background papers on risk assessment. D. Okrent 1980. Comment on societal risk. Science 208: 372–375. C. Starr 1969. Societal benefit versus risk. Technological risk. Science 165: 1232–1238. National Academy of Engineering. 1986. Hazards: Technology and Fairness. NAE Series on Technology and Societal Priorities. National Academy Press. Washington , DC .
- 23 Selikoff, I. J. & E. C. Hammond. 1979. Public Control of Environmental Health Hazards. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 329: 1–405. Starr, C. 1972. Benefit-cost studies in sociotechnical systems. In Perspectives on Benefit-Risk Decision Making. National Academy of Engineering. Washington , D.C. Starr, C. & C. Whipple 1980. Risks of risk decisions. Science 208: 114–119. R. C. Schwing & W. A. Albers, Eds. 1980. Societal Risk: How Safe is Safe Enough? Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by General Motors. Plenum. New York , NY . C. L. Comar 1979. Risk: A pragmatic de minibus approach. Science 203: 319. F. Warner & D. H. Slater. The Royal Society Study Group on Risk, 1981. The assessment and perception of risk. Proc. Roy. Soc. London A367: 1–206; see especially the article by Slovic et al.: 17–33.
- 24 Worrell, A. C. & J. A. Sinden. 1982. Unpriced Values. Wiley. New York , NY . See also R. J. Benoit 1981. Ecologic value scales for small streams in river pollution control. In River Pollution Control. M. J. Stiff, Ed.: 305–318. Ellis Horwood, Ltd. Chichester .
- 25 Perrow, C. 1984. Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies. Basic Books. New York , NY .
- 26 Marshal, E. 1979. Public attitudes to technological progress. Science 205: 281–285.
- 27 Cairns, J. 1980. Estimating Risk. Bioscience 30: 101–107. National Research Council. 1975. Principles for Evaluating Chemicals in the Environment. National Academy of Sciences Washington , D.C.